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Committee Members

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About the SEC Committee

Community Action Plan

Who We Are

Society members who are auditors, consultants, chief financial officers or accountants with an interest in financial reporting and regulatory compliance matters that are relevant to issuers.


What We Do

The SEC Community (the Community) generally meets monthly to discuss current issues and developments affecting public companies.  To ensure proper coverage of relevant subject matters, the Community is made up of the following subcommittees:

• SEC Update
• SEC/PCAOB Enforcement Actions
• Responses to Proposals/Comment Letters

• Technical Helpline

• CPE Programs


At its meetings, Community members will:
• Review proposed and final releases from U.S. and international standard-setters;
• Determine if the Community should draft responses to exposure drafts and other proposals and designate individuals to respond or serve on a task force created to respond to such proposals;
• Discuss technical inquiries and other relevant SEC/PCAOB and FASB related matters.

Other functions of the Community include:
• Authoring articles for publications in The CPA Journal and The Trusted Professional;
• Being available to members of the press for interviews on SEC and PCAOB related topics;
• Being available to answer technical inquiries from Society members relating to SEC rules and regulations and PCAOB standards.


Who Should Join

Society members who:

• Are registered with the PCAOB
• Practice before the SEC

• Are interested in accounting, auditing, and other matters concerning issuers
• Want to share insights and best practices with their peers
• Want to actively participate in Community meetings and Society activities.