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Join This Community
Community Action Plan
Who We Are:
To work closely with Internal Revenue Service District and Service Center offices. Seek to identify ways to simplify and reduce the tax compliance burden. Communicate information relevant to the membership of the New York State Society of CPAs as it concerns dealing with the Internal Revenue Service. To enhance the ability of tax professionals to more efficiently and effectively represent taxpayers in the resolution of tax matters.
What We Do:
This community has various meetings during the year with IRS representatives to explore issues and matters using a question and answer format. We staff a member hotline to answer IRS Practice & Procedure type questions. We publish IRS Procedural articles in the CPA Journal and we publish an IRS directory available to the entire New York State of CPAs membership which lists key IRS office locations, personnel and their respective phone numbers. Our community also provides personnel to assist the Internal Revenue Service in the Metropolitan New York area during their problem solving days.
Who Should Join:
Tax professionals in public or private practice, government or education who have an interest in and are involved with Internal Revenue Service matters are likely to find serving on our commiunity an interesting, enlightening and rewarding contribution.